Ziffer 50

Invi­ta­tion to the #MI50 Sympo­sium and Cele­bra­tion: Cele­brate 50 years of medical infor­mat­ics with us!

Invi­ta­tion to the #MI50 Sympo­sium and Cele­bra­tion: Cele­brate 50 years of medical infor­mat­ics with us! We cordial­ly invite you to the #MI50 Sympo­sium and Cere­mo­ny to cele­brate the 50th anniver­sary of the Medical Infor­mat­ics degree programme. The clos­ing event of the cele­bra­to­ry year will take place on 20 Septem­ber 2023 in the AULA on the Bildungscampus


Foto von National Cancer Institute auf Unsplash

GMDS 2023: Advanced train­ing for doctors in Heilbronn

GMDS 2023: Advanced train­ing for doctors in Heil­bronn The 68th annu­al confer­ence of the German Soci­ety for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Biom­e­try and Epidemi­ol­o­gy (GMDS e.V.) is coming up and promis­es to be partic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing with its motto “Science. Close to people”, it promis­es to be partic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing. From 17 to 21 Septem­ber 2023, we cordial­ly invite


GMDS-AllStars / Foto: A. Goldschmidt

A very special band: The GMDS AllStars

A very special band: The GMDS AllStars The GMDS AllStars emerged in 2014 in Göttin­gen from a spon­ta­neous mini-performance by Heinz Handels (vocals), Rain­er Röhrig (drums) and Andreas Gold­schmidt (elec­tric guitar) at the GMDS annu­al confer­ence. Equipped with equip­ment from anoth­er band, they ventured into “Knock­ing on Heaven’s Door”, which has since become their trademark.


Bild von Arek Socha auf Pixabay

Termi­nol­o­gy Serv­er Chal­lenge @ GMDS 2023

Termi­nol­o­gy Serv­er Chal­lenge @ GMDS 2023 On Thurs­day, 21 Septem­ber, a full-day chal­lenge on termi­nol­o­gy servers awaits you from 9 am. Termi­nol­o­gy plays a crucial role in avoid­ing misun­der­stand­ings, ensur­ing clear commu­ni­ca­tion and convey­ing specialised infor­ma­tion accu­rate­ly, espe­cial­ly in inter­na­tion­al collab­o­ra­tions. Termi­nol­o­gy servers are special soft­ware systems that ensure effi­cient manage­ment of termi­nol­o­gy and enable consistent


Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

Vari­ety of tuto­ri­als for further education

Vari­ety of tuto­ri­als for further educa­tion The 68th GMDS Annu­al Confer­ence awaits partic­i­pants with an exten­sive programme that includes a vari­ety of special­ist formats, includ­ing: In addi­tion, there are over 20 tuto­ri­als to choose from, each of which will take place either on Sunday, 17 Septem­ber or on Thurs­day, 21 Septem­ber. These tuto­ri­als offer an


bwegt / Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg

Free use of local public trans­port includ­ed in the confer­ence ticket

Foto: bwegt / Minis­teri­um für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg Free use of local public trans­port includ­ed in the confer­ence tick­et Start the confer­ence days stress-free: Use public trans­port to get to the Bildungscam­pus. The confer­ence tick­et includes free use of buses, trains and trams in the city and district of Heil­bronn and some neigh­bour­ing districts. On the


Angebote für individuelle Bedürfnisse

Offers for indi­vid­ual needs

Offers for indi­vid­ual needs To enable you to attend the 68th GMDS Annu­al Confer­ence as unen­cum­bered as possi­ble, we offer the follow­ing solu­tions for indi­vid­ual needs. Child­care We also have a special programme for the very young junior scien­tists! If you need child­care, please let us know your needs. We will then contact you to clar­i­fy the


Sektkeller des Staatsweinguts Weinsberg

Anniver­sary wines “50 years of medical informatics”

Anniver­sary wines “50 years of medical infor­mat­ics” We cele­brate the anniver­sary “50 years of medical infor­mat­ics” with­in the frame­work of the 68th GMDS Annu­al Confer­ence with style and taste! We proud­ly present two wines creat­ed exclu­sive­ly for this occa­sion: a vintage 2022 anniver­sary white wine cuvée and an anniver­sary red wine pressed from the best
