Educa­tion in Health Sciences

Excel­lent research and first-class health­care can only be achieved with excel­lent­ly trained person­nel. It is there­fore indis­pens­able to provide the best possi­ble train­ing and contin­u­ing educa­tion for person­nel work­ing in the health­care sector. Exist­ing curric­u­la must be regu­lar­ly updat­ed in a future-oriented manner and the new possi­bil­i­ties offered by educa­tion­al tech­nolo­gies must be consis­tent­ly used in teach­ing in order to achieve this goal. The GMDS current­ly has 7 work­ing and project groups focus­ing on educa­tion, train­ing and contin­u­ing education:

  • Medical Infor­mat­ics Curricula
  • MI teach­ing in medicine
  • Technology-enhanced teach­ing and learn­ing in medi­cine (TeLL).
  • Teach­ing and didac­tics of Biometry
  • Teach­ing in Epidemiology
  • Train­ing for non-scientific staff in epidemi­o­log­i­cal projects
  • Infor­ma­tion process­ing in Nurs­ing Care

The GMDS Annu­al Meet­ing 2023 will provide a plat­form for these work­ing and project groups as well as teach­ers to exchange ideas and contribute to making the impor­tant work and results in the field of Educa­tion in Health Sciences more visible.