T20 — Intro­duc­tion to SAS for begin­ners with little or no previ­ous knowledge.

Day, Time, Duration

Sunday 9 am‑6 pm , 8h

Language Offered


Short Descrip­tion

The SAS program­ming language plays an impor­tant role in the analy­sis of clin­i­cal and epidemi­o­log­i­cal stud­ies, among others in the context of drug approval. SAS knowl­edge is there­fore rele­vant for many GMDS members, but has not always been taught during train­ing or stud­ies. Compact intro­duc­to­ry cours­es can facil­i­tate entry into the complex world of SAS. In recent years, SAS tuto­ri­als have been held sever­al times as part of the GMDS annu­al meet­ing and have always met with great inter­est. The submit­ted tuto­r­i­al would like to cover this obvi­ous need.

The partic­i­pants should be able to apply the knowl­edge impart­ed in the tuto­r­i­al later at their own work­place in prac­tice. This means that they will be able to inde­pen­dent­ly solve simple tasks in the data prepa­ra­tion and analy­sis of data with SAS.

To achieve this goal, the tuto­r­i­al combines lecture and prac­ti­cal program­ming exer­cis­es based on real­is­tic exer­cise data provid­ed to the partic­i­pants. Partic­i­pants receive a sample solu­tion for each exercise.

The follow­ing topics will be covered in the tutorial:

-basics of SAS (inter­ac­tive oper­a­tion, SAS datasets, SAS programs)

-Data prepa­ra­tion in DATA STEP

-func­tions, oper­a­tors, options

-Output of SAS datasets (e.g. PROC PRINT, use of ODS)

-Data analy­sis (descrip­tive statis­tics and simple statis­ti­cal tests, e.g. PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS).

Subject Require­ments

Little prior knowledge

Tech­ni­cal Requirements



Dr. rer. medic. Michael Nonnemacher


Essen Univer­si­ty Hospi­tal, Insti­tute for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Biom­e­try and Epidemi­ol­o­gy (IMIBE)


michael.nonnemacher [at] uk-essen.de

Additional Speaker

Hilde­gard Lax


Essen Univer­si­ty Hospi­tal, Insti­tute for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Biom­e­try and Epidemi­ol­o­gy (IMIBE)