Is the rando­mi­zed control­led trial still the holy grail in health rese­arch? – 28. Juni 2023

Zur Veranstaltung anmelden


The rando­mi­zed control­led trial (RCT) has been wide­ly accept­ed as the holy grail and lists the top of the evidence pyra­mid. The draw­backs of RCTs are frequent­ly negle­c­ted but are rela­ted to the absence of valuable pati­ent context, limi­t­ed gene­ra­liza­bi­li­ty or regres­si­on to the mean. Above all, a pati­ent tail­o­red inter­ven­ti­on cannot valid­ly be made based on RCT evidence. In the rese­arch commu­ni­ty, other methods are emer­ging to better indi­vi­dua­li­ze treat­ment of pati­ents. In this lectu­re, Remko will present multi­ple alter­na­ti­ves for the RCT, and will discuss small and big scale metho­do­lo­gies inclu­ding Case studies, espe­ci­al­ly the N‑of‑1 trial, and machi­ne lear­ning approa­ches to match treat­ment based on the pati­ents characteristics.


Remko Soer

Remko Soer, PhD is an assistant profes­sor at Univer­si­ty Medi­cal Center Groningen-Pain Center and asso­cia­te profes­sor at Saxi­on Univer­si­ty of Appli­ed Scien­ces. He is a physio­the­ra­pist and human move­ment scien­tist, focu­sing on pain, move­ment and cohort studies in the real world. He has (co)authored over 75 peer-reviewed inter­na­tio­nal studies, predo­mi­nant­ly on pain rela­ted disorders.



Datum: 28. Juni 2023
Beginn: 17 Uhr
Ort: Webex