Olli Miet­ti­nen and the uses of epidemiology


This presen­ta­ti­on is a eulo­gy for Olli S. Miet­ti­nen (1936−2021). It will address a crucial peri­od in the deve­lo­p­ment of epide­mio­lo­gy, from clas­sic to modern epide­mio­lo­gy and from descrip­ti­on to analy­sis. I will argue that Miet­ti­nen is a main, if not the main foun­der of Modern Epide­mio­lo­gy, and in my argu­ment I will focus on his very influ­en­ti­al book Theo­re­ti­cal Epide­mio­lo­gy and on his most important paper Esti­ma­bi­li­ty and esti­ma­ti­on in case-referent studies.



Albert Hofman, MD, PhD is the Chair of the Depart­ment of Epide­mio­lo­gy and the Stephen B. Kay Fami­ly Profes­sor of Public Health and Clini­cal Epide­mio­lo­gy at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, Massa­chu­setts (USA). Dr. Hofman was the chair­man of the depart­ment of Epide­mio­lo­gy of the Eras­mus Medi­cal Center/Erasmus Univer­si­ty Rotter­dam, The Nether­lands, from 1988 until 2016. He has been science direc­tor of the gradua­te school Nether­lands Insti­tu­te for Health scien­ces (Nihes) since its start in 1990 until 2015.


Datum: Diens­tag, 19. Septem­ber
Uhrzeit: 14:30 – 15:30 Uhr