Alle­sHe­alth – Working towards empowe­ring pati­ents and carers across the world by buil­ding a circu­lar econo­my – 16. August 2023

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!!!! Neuer Vortrags­ter­min am Mitt­woch, 16. August 2023, Beginn 17 Uhr !!!


Sunde­ep Gaba recent­ly foun­ded Alle­sHe­alth, a new compa­ny based in Basel, Switz­er­land, dedi­ca­ted to pati­ent empower­ment, entrus­ting data owner­ship to pati­ents and carers and buil­ding pati­ent and carer confi­dence in digi­tal health solu­ti­ons through clini­cal insights. But Alle­sHe­alth is not just another eHealth record compa­ny, it is patient-centric and this approach sets it apart from most of the other provi­ders on the market.

Data is the new curren­cy in health­ca­re and how to build a circu­lar econo­my around this approach will be also discus­sed. As part of the solution’s design, consu­mer health tech­no­lo­gies data and perso­nal pati­ent self-monitoring can be easi­ly inte­gra­ted into the patient’s health record and the circu­lar economy.



Dr. Andre­as Koop studi­ed Medi­cal Infor­ma­tics in Heidel­berg and recei­ved his PhD in Medi­cal Infor­ma­tics in Colo­gne. He has gained a good insight into the health­ca­re system by working for two manu­fac­tu­r­ers of hospi­tal infor­ma­ti­on systems and doing scien­ti­fic work at the medi­cal facul­ties of the Univer­si­ties of Heidel­berg and Colo­gne. 17 years in the phar­maceu­ti­cal and diagno­stics indus­try in project manage­ment for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of systems for clini­cal rese­arch and phar­maceu­ti­cal produc­tion gave him a good insight into the view of the indus­try. Since 2018 he has his own consul­ting compa­ny. He supports approa­ches which empower pati­ents in the health­ca­re systems.

Sundeep Gaba Pic

Sunde­ep Gaba, a seaso­ned health­ca­re leader with an impres­si­ve track record span­ning over 15 years. With a unique blend of busi­ness and commer­cial leader­ship skills, coupled with a passio­na­te commit­ment to pati­ent empower­ment, Sunde­ep has made signi­fi­cant contri­bu­ti­ons to the health­ca­re industry.

Sunde­ep holds an MBA from the Univer­si­ty of Wales, Cardiff, which has equip­ped him with a solid foun­da­ti­on in stra­te­gic manage­ment and busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal­ly, he has pursued further acade­mic excel­lence by comple­ting the EBHC (Evidence-Based Health Care) and THS (The Health­ca­re Stra­tegy) programs at the pres­ti­gious Univer­si­ty of Oxford. This educa­tio­nal back­ground has not only enhan­ced his under­stan­ding of the health­ca­re land­scape but has also equip­ped him with the tools to drive evidence-based decision-making and deve­lop effec­ti­ve stra­te­gies to navi­ga­te complex health­ca­re challenges.

Throug­hout his care­er, Sunde­ep has demons­tra­ted a stead­fast dedi­ca­ti­on to advo­ca­ting for pati­ent empower­ment. He firm­ly belie­ves in the importance of placing pati­ents at the center of health­ca­re systems and empowe­ring them to take an acti­ve role in their own well-being. This patient-centric approach has been a guiding prin­ci­ple in his leader­ship style, enab­ling him to drive posi­ti­ve chan­ge and foster a cultu­re of patient-centered care within organizations.

With his vast expe­ri­ence and compre­hen­si­ve know­ledge of the health­ca­re indus­try, Sunde­ep Gaba conti­nues to make a profound impact on the lives of pati­ents and the orga­niza­ti­ons he serves. His exper­ti­se in busi­ness and commer­cial leader­ship, combi­ned with his unwa­ve­ring commit­ment to pati­ent empower­ment, posi­ti­ons him as a valuable asset and a true advo­ca­te for advan­cing health­ca­re excellence.


Datum: 16. August 2023
Beginn: 17 Uhr
Ort: Webex