A very special band: The GMDS AllStars

The GMDS AllStars emerged in 2014 in Göttin­gen from a spon­ta­neous mini-performance by Heinz Handels (vocals), Rain­er Röhrig (drums) and Andreas Gold­schmidt (elec­tric guitar) at the GMDS annu­al confer­ence. Equipped with equip­ment from anoth­er band, they ventured into “Knock­ing on Heaven’s Door”, which has since become their trade­mark. Inspired by this success, they decid­ed, togeth­er with Beat­rix Behrendt (elec­tric bass) and Sebas­t­ian Semler (piano), to perform as an open­ing band for the next annu­al confer­ence. This is how the GMDS Allstars came into being.

In terms of musi­cal style, the GMDS AllStars are extreme­ly versa­tile. Each band member brings his or her own pref­er­ences and musi­cal expe­ri­ence to the table, result­ing in a varied selec­tion of songs. The current line-up of the band includes the musi­cians Albrecht Zaiss (saxo­phone), Andreas Gold­schmidt (elec­tric guitar and second voice), Heinz Handels (acoustic guitar and vocals/first voice), Myri­am Lipprandt (percus­sion or drums), Rain­er Röhrig (drums), Ulrich Sax (elec­tric bass), Sebas­t­ian Semler (keyboard and second voice) and Torben Hess (saxo­phone), who is new to the ensemble.

Photos: A. Gold­schmidt, The GMDS AllStars perform­ing during Annu­al Meetings

A special high­light is coming up: their perfor­mance in Heil­bronn already marks their tenth perfor­mance. Due to the differ­ent places of resi­dence of the band members, it is unfor­tu­nate­ly not possi­ble to perform regu­lar­ly outside the Annu­al Meet­ings. There­fore, their perfor­mances at the Annu­al Meet­ings are unique oppor­tu­ni­ties that they use with passion every time.

GMDS-AllStars / Foto: A. Goldschmidt

Be excit­ed and enjoy seeing the GMDS AllStars live at the social evening on 19 September 2023 at the Harmonie in Heilbronn.

We are very much look­ing forward to this evening with you!