The Deutschhof: Histor­i­cal core of the city of Heil­bronn. Photo: Heil­bronn Market­ing GmbH/Roland Schweizer

Since the Bundes­garten­schau 2019 at the latest, Heil­bronn has been known as a live­ly city on the Neckar, 50 km north of Stuttgart. Most of the build­ings of “old Heil­bronn” fell victim to the heavy air raid on December 4th, 1944. Fortu­nate­ly, some impor­tant histor­i­cal build­ings survived the war or were later rebuilt.

Kilian­skirche with Come­di­an Foun­tain. Photo: Heil­bronn Market­ing GmbH/Roland Schweizer

High­lights worth seeing in Heil­bronn include the historic town hall with its astro­nom­i­cal art clock and the Goth­ic Käthchen­haus, named after the title hero­ine of Hein­rich von Kleist’s drama “Käthchen von Heilbronn”. The Kilian­skirche is the most impor­tant archi­tec­tur­al work of art in the city and contains a late Goth­ic carved altar worth seeing.


The “Success­ful Rabbit” in front of the Marra­haus. Photo: Heil­bronn Market­ing GmbH/Roland Schweizer

Along the Neckar River, which signif­i­cant­ly shapes the city center, there are inter­est­ing artis­tic view­points. From the Friedrich Ebert Bridge, the view opens up to the Marrahaus, built in 2016, and the sculp­ture “Successful Rabbit” by Hein­rich Brum­mack from Schwäbisch Hall. The gastron­o­my along the “Neckarmeile” is also flour­ish­ing successfully.