
Oper­a­tor accord­ing to § 5 Teleme­di­enge­setz (TMG)

German Asso­ci­a­tion for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Biom­e­try and Epidemi­ol­o­gy (GMDS) e. V. Indus­tries­trasse 154 50996 Cologne E‑mail: I Web: Regis­tered at the district court of Cologne VR 16225 Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number accord­ing to § 27 Umsatzs­teuerge­setz: DE 182645846

Autho­rized representatives:

  • Pres­i­dent: Prof. Dr. Harald Binder
  • 1. Vice Pres­i­dent : Prof. Dr. André Scherag
  • 2. Vice Pres­i­dent : Prof. Dr. Alfred Winter


Confer­ence Presidents:

  • Dr. Moni­ka Pobiruchin, GECKO Insti­tute for Medi­cine, Infor­mat­ics & Econom­ics , Heil­bronn University
  • Prof. Dr. Alexan­dra Reichen­bach, Heil­bronn University


Sask­ia Koch, Facul­ty of Comput­er Science, Heil­bronn Univer­si­ty Phone: +49 7131 504 0 E‑mail:

Tech­ni­cal devel­op­ment and support

  • Simon Schweiz­er, Facul­ty of Comput­er Science, Heil­bronn University
  • Martin Wies­ner, Facul­ty of Comput­er Science, Heil­bronn University
  • Richard Zowal­la, Facul­ty of Comput­er Science, Heil­bronn University


Lea Bran­dl, Insti­tute for Telem­at­ics, Univer­si­ty of Lübeck

The copy­right for the design elements on the website, espe­cial­ly the theme icons, is held by Lea Brandl. 

Photo Cred­its

Infor­ma­tion about the photo sources can be found at the respec­tive images. 

Data priva­cy notice

See privacy statement


All infor­ma­tion contained on this website has been prepared with great care. Howev­er, we do not guar­an­tee that the contents of our own web pages are correct, complete and up-to-date at all times. Accord­ing to § 7 para.1 TMG, service providers are respon­si­ble for their own content on the pages they offer under the gener­al laws. Accord­ing to §§ 8, 9 and 10 TMG, howev­er, service providers are not oblig­at­ed to moni­tor trans­mit­ted or stored third-party infor­ma­tion or to inves­ti­gate circum­stances that indi­cate ille­gal activity.

Oblig­a­tions to remove or block the use of infor­ma­tion accord­ing to gener­al laws remain unaf­fect­ed. Howev­er, liabil­i­ty in this regard is only possi­ble from the time of knowl­edge of a concrete infringe­ment. If we become aware of such infringe­ments, we will remove this content immediately.

Note on the prob­lem of exter­nal links

As a content provider, GMDS is respon­si­ble for its “own content”, which it makes avail­able for use, in accor­dance with gener­al legis­la­tion pursuant to Section 7 (1) of the German Tele­me­dia Act (Teleme­di­enge­setz). A distinc­tion must be made between this own content and cross-references (“links”) to content provid­ed by other providers. By means of the cross-reference, GMDS provides “third-party content” for use, which is marked in this way:

Links” are always “living” (dynam­ic) refer­ences. When the link was first creat­ed, GMDS checked the exter­nal content to deter­mine whether it might give rise to any civil or crim­i­nal liabil­i­ty. Howev­er, GMDS does not constant­ly check the content to which it refers in its offer for changes that could give rise to a new respon­si­bil­i­ty. If it discov­ers or is informed by others that a specif­ic offer to which it has provid­ed a link trig­gers civil or crim­i­nal liabil­i­ty, it will remove the refer­ence to this offer.

Should you find any ques­tion­able or ille­gal content on the pages of this website or on pages to which refer­ence is made, GMDS would be grate­ful if you would inform us accordingly.

Website avail­abil­i­ty

GMDS will endeav­or to offer the service for retrieval with­out inter­rup­tion as far as possi­ble. Howev­er, even with all due care, down­times cannot be ruled out. GMDS reserves the right to change or discon­tin­ue its service at any time. We cannot accept any liabil­i­ty for inter­rup­tions or other disrup­tions caused by files that have not been creat­ed with­out errors or formats that have not been struc­tured with­out errors.

Dispute reso­lu­tion procedure

The Euro­pean Commis­sion provides a plat­form for out-of-court online dispute reso­lu­tion (ODR plat­form), which can be accessed at We are neither oblig­ed nor will­ing to partic­i­pate in the dispute reso­lu­tion procedure.

Consumer arbi­tra­tion, infor­ma­tion accord­ing to § 36 VSBG

GMDS is neither will­ing nor oblig­ed to partic­i­pate in dispute reso­lu­tion proceed­ings before a consumer arbi­tra­tion board.