Invi­ta­tion to the #MI50 Sympo­sium and Cele­bra­tion: Cele­brate 50 years of medical infor­mat­ics with us!

We cordial­ly invite you to the #MI50 Sympo­sium and Cere­mo­ny to cele­brate the 50th anniver­sary of the Medical Infor­mat­ics degree programme. The clos­ing event of the cele­bra­to­ry year will take place on 20 Septem­ber 2023 in the AULA on the Bildungscam­pus Heil­bronn. This event offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage with medical infor­mat­ics, to exchange knowl­edge and to discuss the future devel­op­ment of the field together.

Sympo­sium: Impuls­es for the future of medical infor­mat­ics (14:30 — 15:30)

The sympo­sium presents keynote speech­es from the fields of science, indus­try and soci­ety that address the upcom­ing chal­lenges in medical infor­mat­ics. We are pleased to announce two renowned speakers:

  • Marie Moe from the Norwe­gian Univer­si­ty of Science and Tech­nol­o­gy will give her presen­ta­tion “Hack­ing my own Heart: Research­ing and Living with a Vulner­a­ble Medical Implant” and provide insights into her research and expe­ri­ences with vulner­a­ble medical implants.
  • Holger Storf from the Johann Wolf­gang Goethe Univer­si­ty and the Univer­si­ty Hospi­tal Frank­furt will give a talk enti­tled “Medical infor­mat­ics in 50 years: Wish­es & Perspec­tives for Rare Diseases” he will high­light the impor­tance of medical infor­mat­ics for the diag­no­sis of rare diseases in the future.

Cere­mo­ny: Cere­mo­ni­al Trib­ute (16:00 — 16:45)

The cere­mo­ny will be opened musi­cal­ly by the big band of Heil­bronn Univer­si­ty and will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to acknowl­edge the impor­tance of medical infor­mat­ics. Greet­ings are expect­ed from vari­ous person­al­i­ties, includ­ing the rectorate of Heil­bronn Univer­si­ty, the Lord Mayor of Heil­bronn, Harry Mergel, and a repre­sen­ta­tive of the GMDS.

Panel discus­sion: Future perspec­tives (16:45 — 18:00)

The panel discus­sion will bring togeth­er experts from differ­ent areas of medical infor­mat­ics to shed light on future devel­op­ments and chal­lenges. Togeth­er they will discuss the guid­ing ques­tions “Where are we head­ing?” and “What are the major tasks of medical infor­mat­ics tomorrow?”.

Network­ing and buffet (from 6 pm)

After the discus­sions, you are cordial­ly invit­ed to a joint buffet and anniver­sary wine tast­ing in the refec­to­ry. This will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty for infor­mal exchange and networking.

We would appre­ci­ate your partic­i­pa­tion in this event to cele­brate togeth­er the past half centu­ry of medical infor­mat­ics and to look ahead to a promis­ing future.

Regis­tra­tion via the online registry is required for the cere­mo­ny followed by a buffet.

For further infor­ma­tion, please visit: