Termi­nol­o­gy Serv­er Chal­lenge @ GMDS 2023

On Thurs­day, 21 Septem­ber, a full-day chal­lenge on termi­nol­o­gy servers awaits you from 9 am. Termi­nol­o­gy plays a crucial role in avoid­ing misun­der­stand­ings, ensur­ing clear commu­ni­ca­tion and convey­ing specialised infor­ma­tion accu­rate­ly, espe­cial­ly in inter­na­tion­al collab­o­ra­tions. Termi­nol­o­gy servers are special soft­ware systems that ensure effi­cient manage­ment of termi­nol­o­gy and enable consis­tent and precise use of tech­ni­cal terms.

The main objec­tive of this work­shop is to give devel­op­ers and manu­fac­tur­ers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to present their differ­ent prod­uct philoso­phies and func­tion­al­i­ties of termi­nol­o­gy serv­er solu­tions to an expert audi­ence under compa­ra­ble condi­tions. For this purpose, typi­cal scenar­ios with test tasks, test data and test services will be prepared for the partic­i­pants to work on. This compar­a­tive presen­ta­tion promotes trans­paren­cy and makes it easi­er for inter­est­ed parties to assess solu­tions, includ­ing their strengths and weak­ness­es in rela­tion to specif­ic prob­lems. The main objec­tive of the event is to promote an open discus­sion among the participants.

The Chal­lenge is offered with­in the frame­work of the 68th GMDS Annu­al Meet­ing by the GMDS-AG Medical Termi­nolo­gies and Clas­si­fi­ca­tions (MTK) togeth­er with the Service Unit Termi­no­log­i­cal Services (SU-TermServ) of the Medical Infor­mat­ics Initiative.

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