Analyt­ics in Health­care

In medical care as well as in clin­i­cal and epidemi­o­log­i­cal research, large amounts of data accu­mu­late that are processed and eval­u­at­ed for a wide vari­ety of purpos­es. In addi­tion to clas­si­cal statis­ti­cal meth­ods, simu­la­tion meth­ods and machine learn­ing algo­rithms are increas­ing­ly being used to process the ever-growing volumes of data. Further­more, due to the amount of data, topics from the field of “Big Data” such as data secu­ri­ty, distrib­uted data manage­ment or automa­tion and paral­leliza­tion of the analy­sis pipeline are also becom­ing increas­ing­ly rele­vant here.

The GMDS Annu­al Meet­ing 2023 will provide a plat­form for the exchange of infor­ma­tion between work­ing groups dedi­cat­ed to these topics. This will also make the latest meth­ods and find­ings in this field visi­ble to all researchers and clin­i­cal users in order to ensure opti­mal use of the data for better deci­sion support in diag­nos­tics, ther­a­py and care.