T12 — Sampling Design & Analysis

Day, Time, Duration

Thurs­day morn­ing, 9 am‑1 pm, 4h

Language Offered


Short Descrip­tion

The planned tuto­r­i­al is intend­ed to provide partic­i­pants with a gener­al under­stand­ing of the purpose and appli­ca­tion of vari­ous sampling meth­ods in prac­tice. The four-hour tuto­r­i­al will first explain why random sampling is neces­sary to ensure gener­al­iz­abil­i­ty of scien­tif­ic find­ings. Subse­quent­ly, some select­ed sampling meth­ods (simple random sampling, system­at­ic sampling, strat­i­fied random sampling and lumped sampling) will be discussed in more detail. Both the method­ol­o­gy itself and the advan­tages and disad­van­tages asso­ci­at­ed with each method in prac­tice will be discussed. In addi­tion, the specifics that need to be consid­ered in the statis­ti­cal analy­sis of the sample will be explained for each sampling method discussed. As a simple exam­ple, the esti­ma­tion of the mean and vari­ance of a contin­u­ous vari­able of a target popu­la­tion using a single sample is used. As part of this proce­dure, impor­tant concepts such as system­at­ic error, sampling preci­sion, and analy­sis weights will be covered. After success­ful­ly complet­ing this tuto­r­i­al, partic­i­pants should:

- Under­stand the role of sampling in empir­i­cal research.

- Be able to judge the differ­ence between appro­pri­ate and inap­pro­pri­ate sampling meth­ods depend­ing on the research question.

- Under­stand why sampling must be consid­ered when statis­ti­cal­ly analyz­ing data.

Subject Require­ments

No prior knowl­edge on the part of the partic­i­pants is neces­sary. Basic knowl­edge of statis­tics and prob­a­bil­i­ty (intro­duc­to­ry course) is an advan­tage, but not required.

Tech­ni­cal Requirements

Sheet and pencil and a calcu­la­tor are suffi­cient to partic­i­pate in the course.


Robin Denz


Ruhr Univer­si­ty Bochum, Depart­ment of Medical Infor­mat­ics, Biom­e­try and Epidemi­ol­o­gy, Bochum


denz [at] amib.ruhr-uni-bochum.de